Hikam - Laws of Spiritual Joy (On-Demand)
This is the on-demand version of Al-Madina's summer program of 2021: Hikam - Laws of Spiritual Joy. This is the abridged course.
The Hikam are eloquent masterpieces of spiritual wisdom that concisely summarize the path to intellectual, emotional, and spiritual balance, and a life of true freedom and joy. They are a must-study for a Muslim living in a post-modern world.
The program will consist of a weekly one hour pre-recorded lecture by Shaykh Mokhtar along with a weekly one-hour interactive live class facilitated by Shaykh Riad Saloojee.
This is the abridged version of the original course that was run in the Summer of 2021. Select elements from the live course will not be available such as access to live classes, the Suhba Circle and the Telegram channel access.
What is the date and cost?
The program is a six-week program. It originally ran from run from July 18, 2021 - August 29, 2021
Course access: $99 USD